The smart compliance solution that grows with your business

Discover why ID-Flow is different. A compliance solution that integrates with your systems and can grow to become a full fledged back office for your business.

From startups to corporations ID-Flow has a plan to suit your needs.


The ever changing requirements in terms of Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) can quickly become a burden for small and big businesses alike.

The onboarding flow can become a barrier for your client and create friction that erodes your precious leads.

ID-Flow is the flexible solution to accommodate all your AML/KYC needs.

Simple, flexible and convenient, compliance has never been smarter.

Ask all the important questions and nothing more. With ID-FLOW you can benefit from a simplified onboarding flow that engages your users with minimum friction.

A pragmatic process design allows for the best possible experience for the user and simplicity for the operators.

Thanks to the self-hosted and Hosted solutions, your compliance operation grows with your business.

ID-Flow allows for a range of setups that will cover all your regulatory requirements in terms of data protection, location  and ownership.

On premises, cloud or hosted in high security locations. From startups to multinational businesses no business is too big or small to leverage the benefits of a clean and streamlined AML/KYC process.

Get the best value for your AML/KYC process and invest your funds in growing the project.

Enjoy competitive pricing  while  deploying  your own hosted system in record time.

Save time and money on the processes and focus on your business.

Custom branding and customizations to your Flow can make it unique and showcase your brand.

Our team will follow you in the process and tailor the solution to your audience and requirements.

Onboarding is often the first step of a customer experience. We will make that first impression count.

Test the user experience with the live demo

The control center for operators is called ID-Hub.
It allows the compliance team to be on top of the verification request and manage users’ and
companies’ data in a simple and streamlined interface.

ID-Vault is the state of the art information sharing technology that allows users to stay in control of their data and securely share it at will.

It’s an end-to -end encrypted cloud that stores the user data and enables one click sharing to all compatible services without the need to resend documents and information.

No one can access the data but the user that keeps full control of his online identity.


Only the user can access the data.
Only the user can share it.
Privacy brought to the next level. 


State of the art end to end encrypted solution hosted in high security facilities in Switzerland 


Reduce the risk of identity theft by only sharing encrypted information and enjoy one click registration on compatible services.


Customer onboarding with AI based document  analysis

Easy and quick setup

Checks on sanction lists

Additional customizable fields

Phone number verification

Agreement signing with 2FA

Automatic readings of information from documents

Easy and modular dashboard for operators

Your own servers in the cloud or on  premises

Tailored security access

Support contracts available

Compatible with multiple document analysis  providers

Your server in our high security DC in Switzerland

Choose hardware and support level required

Customer onboarding with AI based document  analysis

Easy and quick setup

Checks on sanction lists

Additional customizable fields

Phone number verification

Agreement signing with 2FA

Automatic readings of information from documents

Easy and modular dashboard for operators

Your own servers in the cloud or on  premises

Tailored security access

Support contracts available

Compatible with multiple document analysis  providers

Your server in our high security DC in Switzerland

Choose hardware and support level required

Self Hosted

Customer onboarding with AI based document analysis

Easy and quick setup

Checks on sanction lists

Additional customizable fields

Phone number verification

Agreement signing with 2FA

Automatic readings of information from documents

Easy and modular dashboard for operators

Your own servers in the cloud or on premises

Tailored security access

Support contracts available

Compatible with multiple document analysis  providers

Your server in our high security DC in Switzerland

Choose hardware and support level required


Customer onboarding with AI based document  analysis

Easy and quick setup

Checks on sanction lists

Additional customizable fields

Phone number verification

Agreement signing with 2FA

Automatic readings of information from documents

Easy and modular dashboard for operators

Your own servers in the cloud or on  premises

Tailored security access

Support contracts available

Compatible with multiple document analysis  providers

Your server in our high security DC in Switzerland

Choose hardware and support level required

Contact Us

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